Payment Services
As the digital payment space matures, consumers are demanding more from companies!
Give your customers a payment experience they’ll love. Give yourself tools for success.
Payment gateways are a service that helps merchants initiate e-commerce, in-app, and point of sale payments for a broad variety of payment methods. The gateway is not directly involved in the money flow, typically it is a web server to which a merchant’s website or POS (point of sale) system is connected. A payment gateway often connects several acquiring banks and payment methods under one system.
The Mastercard Payment Gateway can further your growth strategy by handling costly and time-consuming payment functions. With a single integration, you can accept global and local payment methods, mitigate your PCI risk, and reduce your operational costs.

The M-PAiSA payments platform allows customers to be able to carry out cashless transactions.
Since this is the age of digitization, there is a demand for a much convenient and safer method to make purchases and payments. The M-PAiSA payments interface aims to provide a platform to do just this.
We provide your business with the reach, resources and security to compete in the new world of digital payments.
API Programming Fee
Setup | SSLCERT | 1 Year SLA | Total | |
MPaisa Gateway Programming A2 – VODAFONE CUSTOMER WEBSITE PLATFORM TECHNOLOGY USED 1. CMS/CRM, Sites running WordPress 2. Joomla, Moodle and Shoptify 3. Other Static Site, ColdFusion, PHP *price includes, Liason with VODAFONE. | 1440 1720 2440 | 136 136 136 | 350 350 350 | $1790 $2070 $2790 |
And all programming time to integrate M-PAISA on Existing client website with free testing and debugging and post setup follow-up for 60 days. | ||||
BANK MPI – Gateways BSP – Narada Gateway Programming (Bank of South Pacific) CUSTOMER WEBSITE PLATFORM TECHNOLOGY USED 1. CMS/CRM, Sites running WordPress 2. Joomla, Moodle and Shoptify 3. Other Static Site, ColdFusion, PHP *price includes liaison with BSP Bank to get Signup agreement. | 1850 2660 2850 | 136 136 136 | 550 550 550 | $2536 $3346 $3536 |
And all programming time to integrate NARADA MPI on Existing client website with free testing and debugging and post setup follow-up for 60 days. | ||||